Week 1 Blog
Wednesday 10, 2016
Today was the 1st day and lesson that we were able to begin to create and edit our blogs. We were given information surrounding the task and that we will have to keep up a blog on Weebly or another website for the entire duration of the assessment task. In the blog we were informed that we would have to have lots of information about what and why we did certain things in that lesson. The blog is basically a diary that we continue to use throughout the task. Today we also created our website templates and entered my first blog and helped the other group members enter their blogs as well. We were also handed a sheet to inform us of what we will have to do each week of the assessment and the tasks that will have to be met and carried out each week. The first week included filling out the group contract for the assessment with the role that each team member will have to perform to ensure that we finish our assessment on time and correctly. We had already begun to fill out the group contract the previous day and we put the finishing touches on the contract and sent it to Mr Prasad. The 1st lesson was an overall success and introduced us to whats to come and what we should all be expecting and ready for when we undertake the task over the next 4 to 6 weeks.
Thursday 11, 2016
Today was the second day of the task. Today we sat in our groups and began on the Questionnaire that was due that lesson. The questionnaire had to consist of at least 10 questions which was going to be used to ask people on Friday when we ventured to Luna Park as one of the main elements of the task. The questionnaire was going to be used as feature reference when it comes time to create our model roller coasters. Harry and myself created the 10 questions which consisted of multiple choice questions, yes and no questions and also open ended questions so we could cater for all types of people that we would survey the following day. We were instructed to have the completed 10 questions by the end of the lesson which we were able to complete. The questionnaire is the only component of the assessment that we finished in today's lesson because we put a lot of time and thought into ensuring that every person that we asked would be comfortable be able to answer the questions especially if English was not there first language.
Friday 12, 2016
Today was the day of the Luna park excursion. We set of from school at around 9:30 and then entered Luna Park at 11am. We went on most of the rides ensuring to look out for things and elements of the parks rides that made them safe, enjoyable and fun for the customers. We noticed that the rides had to have major elements or stand out signs for people at the park to want to go onto the ride because of the many rides on offer at the park. Every ride had its own special element that drew the people onto the ride and wanting to line up in certain situations very long lines to enjoy the ride. Some rides didn't need many signs to draw people in because of the shear size of the ride such as the hair Raiser but other rides such as the Tumble Bug because it was tucked away in the corner way from the view of the patrons so they Tumble bug had larger signs to ensure that people did not miss the ride. The day was fun and aloud us to gain a good in sight into some of the possible designs that we could use for our roller coaster when it comes time to create the model.